I just saw this movie over couple of days, and came back to your article again, where I had previously stopped at 'spoliers follow' section. We also tried to play the detective like it was some murder mystery. It's interesting how the son's testimony at the end changes the.outcome of the case in such a dramatic way. By the way, you didn't mention the scene in which judge did ask the son about the following day in court.durinh the trial, where the details will be so explicit that she wanted Daniel removed, but he wanted to be there and persuaded.the judge to let him be in the court. Actually this scene kind of sets up his version of the events well, because we could see how his testimony would be so profound, at the end. Even though, at the start, when he was at the end, it wasn't the case. It's as if everything that followed, gave him more clarity of the events and what he perceived.

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Amazing analysis

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